Sunday, October 01, 2006

Stash Organizing

Here is my progress on the mosaic sock, from Sensational Knitted Socks. I am just starting to make the heel flap. This is an interesting technique. I've had a few stumbles, but mostly I'm figuring it out alright. I did find a mistake in the book, and when I went online I found the publisher had already posted a correction! Very nice.

I can't post all the pictures of my stash, but here is part of it. I'm just too tired tonight. I'll get it done later in the week. I couldn't take one photo of the whole thing, it's just too much!

I want to do something with all this lovely red yarn. I think I have about 900 yards. I wonder if that's enough for some kind of tank top or t shirt top? I don't think it will make a long sleeved sweater.

After I laid out everything... it took up most of the living room floor... I packed everything up into ziplock bags and tucked it away in the bins under the table in the living room. It is prettier when you can see the yarn, but it tends to get very messy on me. This will keep it protected and contained, I hope!

I go to the photographers on Tuesday to look at proofs of the birthday party pictures. I will probably bring some home to post here this week. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love those new socks you are making. Are they made with color changing yarn or do you have to change yarns for every square?